“The Village” is an Indian horror web series in Tamil, featuring actor Arya and actress Divya Pillai in the lead roles. Both actors have portrayed their characters exceptionally well in this series.
Viewers can watch this series online from November 24, 2023. The story is set in a village (Katiyal) in Tamil Nadu, known for its spooky tales. Arya, a character in the series, finds himself trapped in this haunted village with his family.
The series unfolds the challenges he faces in trying to save his family from the eerie events in the village. You can stream “The Village” web series on Amazon Prime.
Here we share the Full List of (Fliz) The Village Cast and Crew, Roles, Release Date, Story, Trailer.
The Village Details
Title | The Village |
Cast | Shakthivel Karunagam Divya Pillai |
Distributor | Amazon Prime |
Country | India |
Language | Hindi, Kannada, Tamil एवं Telugu |
Genres | Drama, Romance, 18+, Adult, Erotic |
Release Dates | 24 November 2023 |
The Village Cast
Shakthivel Karunagam Divya Pillai |
The Village Director
- Update Soon
The Village Country
- Indian
The Village Distributer
Amazon Prime |
The Village Genres
The Village Language
Hindi, Kannada, Tamil एवं Telugu |
The Village Dates
24 November 2023 |
The Village Story
The Village web series tells the story of a haunted village. In the trailer, Arya sets out on a road trip with his family in a car. However, their journey takes an unexpected turn when the car tire punctures in a deserted village.
Arya leaves his family alone in the village for a short while to seek help. Strangely, the people he approaches for assistance warn him that anyone who enters the village doesn’t return alive.
Additionally, the trailer reveals a peculiar feudal lord sending a group of hired soldiers to the same village. These soldiers are on a mission to find a specific object.
However, as they explore the village, they encounter eerie supernatural attacks. Arya’s family also gets entangled in the clutches of malevolent forces.
The series promises to be an intriguing watch as Arya attempts to rescue his family and the soldiers strive to fulfill their mission amidst paranormal challenges. This Tamil web series offers a mix of horror, thriller, and courage.