The story revolves around Barkha, a woman who manages her travel agency business along with her daughter Pallavi following her husband’s demise. Everything goes smoothly in their lives until a new employee named Mukul joins the company.
Here we share the Full List of (Ullu App) Maa Ka Naka Cast and Crew, Roles, Release Date, Story, Trailer.
Maa Ka Naka Details
Title | Maa Ka Naka |
Cast | Jayshree Gaikwad Aliya Naaz |
Distributor | Ullu App |
Country | India |
Language | Hindi |
Genres | Drama, Romance, 18+, Adult, Erotic |
Release Dates | 10 October 2023 |
Maa Ka Naka Cast
Jayshree Gaikwad
Aliya Naaz
Suraiya Sheikh
Maa Ka Naka Director
- Update Soon
Maa Ka Naka Country
- Indian
Maa Ka Naka Distributer
- Ullu App
Maa Ka Naka Genres
Maa Ka Naka Language
- Hindi
Maa Ka Naka Release Dates
10 October 2023
Maa Ka Naka Story
Barkha develops a relationship with Mukul, a new employee in his company, without his daughter Pallavi knowing. Eventually, Mukul becomes involved with Pallavi as well. The situation takes a turn when Pallavi unexpectedly discovers Barkha and Mukul together, leading to a rift among them.
To find out what unfolds next, watch all the episodes of “Ma Ka Naka Part 02.” The series was released on October 10, 2023, on Ullu’s official app, featuring outstanding performances by Jayshree Gaikwad, Aliya Naaz, Rahul, and Suraiya Sheikh.