The fantastic web series “Kavita Bhabhi” narrates the story of a married woman named Kavita Bhabhi, who is professionally accomplished. In this series, Kavita engages in entertaining conversations in different roles. The web series is based on a romantic and sensual style, released on the Ullu app.
It’s an Indian adult and Hindi web series, featuring hot and bold scenes with Kavita Bhabhi. This web series, titled “Kavita Bhabhi Season,” is known for its hot content. It was released on the Ullu app on January 10, 2020.
Here we share the Full List of (Ullu) Kavita Bhabhi Cast and Crew, Roles, Release Date, Story, Trailer.
Kavita Bhabhi Details
NAME | Kavita Bhabhi |
GENRE | 18+, Erotic, Romance |
MAIN CAST | Kavita Radheshyam, Nishant Pandey, Amita Nangia |
LANGUAGE | Hindi |
RELEASED DATE | 10th January , 2020 |
SEASON | 1 |
DIRECTOR | Faisal Saif |
Kavita Bhabhi Cast
18+, Erotic, Romance
Kavita Bhabhi Director
- Faisal Saif
Kavita Bhabhi Country
- Indian
Kavita Bhabhi Distributer
Primeshots App |
Kavita Bhabhi Genres
Kavita Bhabhi Language
Kavita Bhabhi Dates
10th January , 2020
Kavita Bhabhi Story
Are you eagerly waiting to know about the popular web series “Kavita Bhabhi Season-1” in a nutshell? Follow us below:
The fantastic web series “Kavita Bhabhi” narrates the story of a married woman named Kavita Bhabhi, who is professionally accomplished. In this series, Kavita engages in entertaining conversations in different roles. The web series is based on a romantic and sensual style, released on the Ullu app.
It’s an Indian adult and Hindi web series, featuring hot and bold scenes with Kavita Bhabhi. This web series, titled “Kavita Bhabhi Season,” is known for its hot content. It was released on the Ullu app on January 10, 2020.