“Hungry Haseena” is an Indian bold web series featuring Kaira Sehgal in the lead role. The series, available online since January 1, 2024, revolves around a woman who is constantly preoccupied with thoughts about her husband. However, she is not entirely satisfied with her marital life. The web series can be streamed on the Mood App.
Here we share the Full List of (MoodX) Hungry Haseena Cast and Crew, Roles, Release Date, Story, Trailer.
Hungry Haseena Details
Title | Hungry Haseena |
Cast | Kaira Sehgal |
Distributor | MoodX |
Country | India |
Language | Hindi, Tamil, Bangla, and Telugu |
Genres | Drama, Romance, 18+, Adult, Erotic |
Release Dates | 1st January 2024 |
Hungry Haseena Cast
Kaira Sehgal
Hungry Haseena Director
- Update Soon
Hungry Haseena Country
- Indian
Hungry Haseena Distributer
MoodX App |
Hungry Haseena Genres
Hungry Haseena Language
Hindi, Tamil, Bangla, and Telugu |
Hungry Haseena Dates
1st January 2024 |
Hungry Haseena Story
“Hungry Haseena Web Series” revolves around the dynamics of a husband and wife. The story follows a woman who is not content with her husband’s inability to satisfy her. Observing her reflection in the mirror, she contemplates her dissatisfaction. Waking her husband, she expresses her desire to be pleased, but soon realizes that her husband is too tired. Frustrated, he responds with irritation, stating that he cannot continue with the same routine every day. This leaves the woman feeling sad. The series combines entertainment with bold scenes, offering a dramatic experience for viewers.