“Choked” is an Indian bold web series where the actors portray their roles effectively. This series is available for viewers to watch online from January 2nd, 2024. The storyline revolves around a peculiar and severe illness that leads the main character to make questionable choices. As a result, the situation gets reported to the police. The protagonist engages in inappropriate relationships with other women, causing complications in his marriage. You can watch the “Choked” web series on the Ullu App.
Here we share the Full List of (Ullu)Choked Cast and Crew, Roles, Release Date, Story, Trailer.
Choked Details
Title | Choked |
Cast | Apple Dy Not Known Armani Hector Benz Sangalang Manang Medina |
Distributor | Ullu App |
Country | India |
Language | Hindi, Tamil, Bangla, and Telugu |
Genres | Drama, Romance, 18+, Adult, Erotic |
Release Dates | 2nd January 2024 |
Choked Cast
update soon
Choked Director
- Update Soon
Choked Country
- Indian
Choked Distributer
Ullu App |
Choked Genres
Choked Language
Hindi, Tamil, Bangla, and Telugu |
Choked Dates
2nd January 2024 |
Choked Story
The story of the “Choked” web series revolves around a man named Harsat and his wife. Harsat recently got married, but on the very first night, he reveals an illness to his wife. Upon hearing this, his wife expresses that she cannot leave her love due to a single flaw. That night, an incident occurs that frightens his wife. Suddenly, Harsat begins to choke his wife, revealing the nature of his illness. However, a few days later, Harsat is found with another girl. His wife discovers this, and the girl he was with dies that same night. The police investigate, finding a photo of Harsat with the girl. This leads them to Harsat’s house. The story combines entertainment with bold scenes, offering a mix of drama in this Hindi web series, providing viewers with an intense and engaging experience.